Me at Davao city

Me, Davao City, Experiences

Davao's Panoramic View

GAP Orchard Resort Davao is found in Davao City.The Gap Orchard Resort in Davao City, Philippines situated Green Meadows, Ma-A can be contacted by phone +6382 63592 or fax +6382 63592. Here it is unfortunately not yet possible to book online. This accommodation Gap Orchard Resort would be glad to welcome you soon.
When you reach the place you will notice the historic view and you will see like it's the ancient times. It is the best stop for student who are taking educational field trip. You will not only enjoy the sight but experience also the warm breeze of air.

I love it when I was there, feels like I was having the best time of my life. It's a perfect place for solitude and unwinding. I can never forget the time when I was at Davao City.

Me and Davao City

Davao City is located in southeastern part of Mindanao.It is the second's largest city in Asia with a total land area of 2,2443.61 sq. kilometers. It is known of it's fascinating views that captures the heart of it's visitors.
It is also considered as a center for commerce, trade and services that provide viable support for economic activities.
When I was n Davao City, I was fascinated with